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Why cone crusher status will show the work of instability

Cone crusher crushing and screening equipment as the main equipment,the use of a relatively long time,at the same time, problems will follow presentation,presenting the appearance of the most important work that is high-speed instability,transportation users have downtime maintenance.What are the reasons leading to it?Here by Zhengzhou Yifan Machinery Co., Ltd. to you a specific answer. 

Uneven supply.If the cone crusher work to the maximum no load speed continued to improve the speed,the centrifugal force of the adjustment period will be too large to overcome the governor stretched spring pressure,by the thrust lever to cut oil supply gear lever moves in the direction the moment oil orientation of the rod will supply with the low-speed gear lever in the appropriate direction.Thus,if the oil will affect the stability of the uneven cone crusher work. 

cone crusher

Improper operation.In the machine is in high-speed operation of the state,if not able to perform accurate operation,such as feeding equipment sudden increase feed or feed material suddenly changes,the machine does not adjust,the machine will show unsteadiness appearance,will present unstable Xinxiang,at the moment should be immediately shut down for inspection. 

Off the oil time inconsistent.If the cone crusher stop the oil reaches the speed,fuel pump off the oil should be automatic,but if the plunger,delivery valve components uneven quality,or due to wear is not the same without the formation of oil off time,it may show some cylinders have oil,but there are a few oil tank or oil off slow,it will become a high-speed transport of instability. 

Transfer speed adjustment wrong.The general performance of high-speed operation is unstable when the load speed is unstable,the governor is an important goal of the evaluation function is good or bad governor,if the transfer rate is too large,when the load changes,the speed of the diesel engine shake is also large,affecting the engine speed job stability,and idle speed is too high,it will add body wear,adjusting the rate is too small,will form a high-speed instability.

Keywords:cone crusher,crusher machine,crusher equipment
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